Scripture & a Snapshot- 2 Kings 19: 15

1 King 19_15
I had this down feeling this past few days that it was so hard for me to pray. My first scripture last time was Psalm 118:28, which God's reminder to me that He will enlighten my darkness. Darkness for me these days is being bored, and what lies behind that boredom is anxiety of what's in store for me in a place where women have no equal rights with men.  I keep on telling myself that God is in charge but there was also a part of me that is telling me that He is not.  I get up and took my journal and pen, poured out  all my emotions in it and petitioned God to restore and heal my heart.  After writing everything that is in my heart and wrote my specific request to Him, I sang praises and worship which I believe is a better way to pray. I am not saying that petitioning or requesting is wrong but a better way of approaching God's throne of grace is through praising and worshipping Him.  This verse had deeply touched me, this was actually Hezekiah's prayer to God. Although he came boldly to God, he did not take God for granted or approach him flippantly instead he acknowledged God's sovereignty and respect Him for who He is and what he can do.  Like Hezekiah, I acknowledged that I am nothing without Him and in my difficult times it's only Him that I can lean upon. And I  remembered what Jeremiah said:
Jeremiah 32:17
    'Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.
And after my intimate time with God, I was comforted. Not because He made me feel that my prayers will be answered but  just a feeling of blessedness that I have a God that I can lean on in times of darkness.  That I am His Beloved child just as everyone of us. It is what the song "Beloved" is all about,( my featured video). And it is really a comforting song of God to His church;
Zephaniah. 3:17
    The Lord your God in your midst,
    The Mighty One, will save;
    He will rejoice over you with gladness,
    He will quiet you with His love,
    He will rejoice over you with singing."
 2 Kings 19:8-19 (Sennacherib’s letter)
Prayer is the never-failing resource of the tempted Christian, whether struggling with outward difficulties or inward foes. At the mercy-seat of his almighty Friend he opens his heart, spreads his case, like Hezekiah, and makes his appeal. When he can discern that the glory of God is engaged on his side, faith gains the victory, and he rejoices that he shall never be moved. The best pleas in prayer are taken from God’s honour. -(Matthew Henry Commentary)
Bible Study Sunday