I Am Comforted

This bible verse came to me when I was faced by a gossip and slander against my one-flesh. It was a heart wrenching slander that it choked my innermost being. I know that living as Christians is not easy, the enemy is always around to use other people to accuse you or judge you. The inevitable happens in this fallen and corrupt world where people treat you unfairly  forgetting the good deeds you have done because of a single mistake. Tears can be overwhelming but donning self pity will not be helpful and so I prayed and pour out whats in my my heart to God. I opened my bible and God brought me in Luke 23, where Jesus was accused, scoffed at, ridiculed and then finally crucified. And what Jesus did was;
Luke 23:34- Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." And they divided His garments and cast lots. 
There was no retaliation on His part. As human, I would not think the same as Jesus did. It would be natural for me to fight back but as Christian that is not what God wants me to do. I told Him that "it's not easy Lord, help me", and only love was His answer. As this verse was translated in the Amplified Bible "love covers a multitude of sin" means forgives, disregards the offenses of others. Dake translated this particular passage that not that our love will cause God to pass up or pardon the sins of others, but that it will enable us to pass up the faults of others and not hold grudges ourselves.
 I'm still on the process at this moment but I know in God's perfect time my heart will be healed. I just hold on to this verse. For now, I thank God for I am comforted cause this spirit of heaviness can be exchanged into garments of praise.
Isaiah 61:3-To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 
Prayer: “Lord my heart is comforted, and my faith is strengthened by the undeniable certainty of Your promises. Death or deadness cannot prevent Your keeping of Your promises. Any lack of existence cannot keep You from bringing forth what You declare is real. What blessed assurance is available through  Your promises- by grace through faith”-Day By Day by Bob Hoekstra